Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd
Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd
Dachaigh> Blog> Power transformer

Power transformer

October 09, 2023

Power transformers are the key electrical equipment for power transmission. Transformer losses account for 30% to 40% of the power grid losses. Our transformers' own losses account for more than 3% of the national power generation. In the detailed draft of the “12th Five-Year Plan for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction” in China, it is required to reduce the power transformer losses during the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, in which the no-load loss is reduced by 10% to 13% and the load loss is reduced by 17% to 19%. Some of the high-energy-dissipation distribution transformers that the network operates have not met the industry trend. The country has been promoting the energy saving and consumption reduction of transformers. At the beginning of the new year, Tian Wei, the substation of the National Transmission and Distribution Technical Cooperation Network, expressed his opinions.

At present, China's energy-saving distribution transformer market is scattered, coupled with low barriers to entry, poor companies, lack of identification and standards, poor technological innovation, high prices, inadequate subsidies, and other factors, leading to the slow promotion of energy-saving transformers in China. The National Transmission and Distribution Technical Cooperation Network Substation has a wait-and-see attitude towards the overall development trend of energy-saving transformers in 2014.

On the one hand, in the process of promoting energy-saving transformer products, since the sales price of energy-saving transformers is higher than the price of traditional transformers, prices are still the main factors affecting the popularity and promotion of energy-saving transformers. At present, the subsidy project for saving energy and benefiting the people is still in its infancy, and the state has not formulated a clear policy on subsidy policies for saving energy and benefiting the people. The State Grid Corporation of China did not implement detailed rules and documents for the fourth batch of tenders in 2013. The related topics of energy-saving transformers have been slow to progress. China Southern Power Grid Corporation has not made any corresponding measures. The promotion of energy-saving transformers in 2014 is still uncertain in the policy environment. Under the premise, development will be difficult.

On the other hand, in 2013, the Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China issued the GB20052-2013 “Energy Efficiency Limitation and Energy Efficiency Rating of Three-phase Distribution Transformers” announcement and implemented it on October 1, 2013. At the same time, the application for energy conservation certification Also closed on December 31, 2013. In the past, the distribution transformers were divided by S7, S9, S11, etc. The era has already ended. In the future, whether or not transformers are to be energy-efficient will be divided into one, two, and three levels of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency standards have opened a new era of energy-saving transformers. The new energy efficiency standards put forward higher energy efficiency requirements for products. Some high energy consumption products will be withdrawn from the market, but some companies have not yet implemented this standard. Therefore, some companies will phase out some high energy consumption products in 2014.

It is expected that in 2014, the energy-saving transformer industry will still face a more complex development situation. Due to factors such as the declining fixed investment growth of large power users and the continuing increase in operating costs, the energy-saving transformer industry will maintain a “stable” trend in 2014, and the chances of a strong recovery will be small. Exports will continue to be mainly exported to Southeast Asia and other regions.

In 2014, under the background of deepening the implementation of the "Industrial Transformation and Upgrade Plan" and the "Strategic Emerging Industries Development Plan", it is still necessary to complete the task of "de-capacity and de-bubble" under the compelling mechanism of domestic and international demand upgrading. In time, domestic demand for products will not increase significantly. However, with the introduction of a new round of reform policy measures to release the impact of development and development, the energy-saving transformer industry will express new momentum and growth points. It should be said that energy-saving transformers are the trend of the times. China is also improving the relevant standards for energy-saving transformers. At the same time, it is recommended that the "Guidelines for Transformer Selection" be further standardized in the industry market. Looking ahead to 2014, the energy-saving transformer industry will not only promote the reform of energy efficiency standards and subsidy mechanisms, but also need to further promote the application of energy-efficient transformers in terms of business models, technological breakthroughs, and the use of new materials.

Cuir fios thugainn


Mr. John Tan


++86 13622225162

Toraidhean Poblach
Naidheachdan na Companaidh
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Mr. John Tan


++86 13622225162

Toraidhean Poblach
Naidheachdan na Companaidh
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