Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd
Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd
Dachaigh> Blog> Top 10 Most Popular Chinese Ei V Audio Transformer Brands

Top 10 Most Popular Chinese Ei V Audio Transformer Brands

December 06, 2024
Ei V Audio Transformer, a leading manufacturer of high-quality audio transformers, is facing increased competition from new market entrants offering cheaper products. To maintain their market share, Ei V must focus on innovation and customer service to differentiate themselves and retain loyal customers.


Establishment time : 1924

website :

Main Product : Electronic components, transformers, inductors

Company Profile

Tamura Corporation is a leading manufacturer of electronic components, transformers, and inductors. Founded in 1924, the company has grown to become a key player in the global market, known for its high-quality products and innovative solutions. With a medium-sized company size, Tamura faces strong competition in the electronics industry but continues to thrive through its dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction. Visit their website for more information.


Establishment time : Lundahl Transformers is a Swedish company specializing in the design and manufacture of audio transformers.

website :

Main Product : The company is known for its high-quality products and innovative designs.

Company Profile

Overall, Lundahl Transformers is a trusted name in the audio industry, known for their reliability and performance.


Establishment time : Sowter has been a leading manufacturer of transformers and inductors since 1946.

website :

Main Product : We serve customers in various industries, including audio, telecommunications, and aerospace.

Company Profile

With a global presence, Sowter continues to be a trusted supplier for companies around the world.

Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd

Establishment time : 2005

website :

Main Product : Power Adapter,Power Transformer,Audio Transformer,Choke Inductor,Switching Power Supply,Audio Line Transformer

Company Profile

Guangzhou huadu guang er zhong Electronic factory is a leading company in power adapter,transformer,choke inductor,Guangzhou huadu guang er zhong electronic factory is built in 2005 years,more than 18 years factory in producing power adapter,transformer,Full expreience in design ,OEM is welcome.



Establishment time : Jensen's is a leading manufacturer of car audio systems.

website :

Main Product : Our products are known for their superior sound quality and durability.

Company Profile

Explore our website to discover our latest audio products and accessories.
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Mr. John Tan


++86 13622225162

Toraidhean Poblach
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Mr. John Tan


++86 13622225162

Toraidhean Poblach
Naidheachdan na Companaidh
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