Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd
Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd
Dachaigh> Blog> Asia's Top 10 Ei Type Transformer Brand List

Asia's Top 10 Ei Type Transformer Brand List

December 04, 2024
Introducing the revolutionary Ei Type Transformer! This cutting-edge device will transform your workspace and boost productivity. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to efficiency with this sleek and innovative tool. Upgrade your workflow with the Ei Type Transformer today! #innovation #productivity #workspacegoals


Establishment time : ABB was established in 1988.

website :

Main Product : Power grids, electrification products, industrial automation, robotics and motion, and discrete automation.

Company Profile

ABB is a leading technology company that focuses on electrification, industrial automation, robotics, and motion, serving customers in utilities, industry, and transport and infrastructure globally.


Establishment time : July 1875

website :

Main Product : Electronics, semiconductors, home appliances, infrastructure systems

Company Profile

Toshiba Corporation is a Japanese multinational conglomerate known for its wide range of products and services in various industries such as electronics, semiconductors, and infrastructure systems. With a history dating back to the late 19th century, Toshiba has established itself as a global leader in technology and innovation.

Schneider Electric

Establishment time : 1836

website :

Main Product : Energy management and automation solutions

Company Profile

Schneider Electric is a multinational corporation specializing in energy management and automation solutions. With a history dating back to 1836, the company has a strong global presence and a wide range of products and services to help customers optimize their energy usage and improve efficiency.

Guang Er Zhong(Zhaoqing)Electronics Co., Ltd

Establishment time : 2005

website :

Main Product : Power Adapter,Power Transformer,Audio Transformer,Choke Inductor,Switching Power Supply,Audio Line Transformer

Company Profile

Guangzhou huadu guang er zhong Electronic factory is a leading company in power adapter,transformer,choke inductor,Guangzhou huadu guang er zhong electronic factory is built in 2005 years,more than 18 years factory in producing power adapter,transformer,Full expreience in design ,OEM is welcome.



Establishment time : TBEA is a leading manufacturer of power equipment and renewable energy solutions.

website :

Main Product : TBEA's main products include power transformers, solar inverters, and energy storage systems.

Company Profile

Overall, TBEA is a trusted name in the industry, known for its reliability and expertise.
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Mr. John Tan


++86 13622225162

Toraidhean Poblach
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Mr. John Tan


++86 13622225162

Toraidhean Poblach
Naidheachdan na Companaidh
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